Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5 Easy Ways to Help Nana

# 1. Go to her page on Reece's Rainbow and donate directly to her adoption fund: http://reecesrainbow.org/nana-25c

# 2. Enter one of my fundraising raffles or events. Right now, I am giving away a gift certificate to Not So Plain Jane's Salon and Spa in Manchester, NH for a 60-minute customized massage.

# 3. Go to my Facebook page for this blog and "Like" it! Encourage others to do the same. Getting the word out will bring us one step closer to helping Nana get adopted.
# 4. This blog is also part of the Amazon.com Associates program. To the right and at the bottom of this blog, there are links that read, "GetBooksAndHelpNana"; click on one if you are planning to purchase something from Amazon. If you go to the site via this blog, we will earn up to 15% of your purchase! Thus, you will get great products at great prices from Amazon.com, while simultaneously donating to a wonderful cause!
# 5. See all the annoying ads on this page? Well, they're there for a reason. Checking out these sponsors earns this site a little money; all that money goes to Nana! This is a free way to help this cause.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Win a Gift Certificate to Not So Plain Jane's Spa!

Not So Plain Jane's Spa and Salon in Manchester, NH is one of my favorite indulgences.
Their 60-minute customized spa massage is, by far, one of my most coveted treats.

Here's your chance to win a gift certificate to the spa for a 60-minute massage treatment (a $65 value). Not only that, but you get to help a beautiful little girl be united with her adoptive family (whoever they may be). 


One  Two Entries  =  $5.00

Three  SIX! Entries  =  $10.00

---> If you donate and share this blog on your Facebook page, 
you will receive an EXTRA ENTRY for free <---
Simply post a comment below indicating that you have done so, and you will be given an extra entry.

The Giveaway Closes at NOON on July 15th, 2011

The giveaway winner will be drawn using a random number generating website.

The giveaway winner will be announced on this blog by the evening of July 15th. 

All money collected for this giveaway will be donated to Reece's Rainbow for Nana's adoption fund.

If you are not interested in the giveaway, but would like to donate directly to Nana's adoption fund, please go to her page on the Reece's Rainbow site.

If you cannot afford to donate money at this time, please offer a prayer for Nana
Share her story, or this blog, on your Facebook page (or via any other social media outlet).

*If you don't have a PayPal account but would like to donate via check or money order, please email me at bookworm1800@yahoo.com. If you know me personally, just give me a call or Facebook me!*

Be a Prayer Warrior

My husband and I are both "Prayer Warriors" for children who are waiting for families at Reese's Rainbow.
Nana is the child for whom I pray every day. If you can't adopt and you can't donate money, please consider becoming a prayer warrior.
Never underestimate the power of prayer! As Jesus said, "whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give it to you" (John 15:16).

Be a Prayer Warrior